refer to image!
select best kernel using KNN
Find and search which webcam is online on your computer.
python code:
output is looks like:
Starting camera detection...
Checking camera indices 0-9...
✓ Camera 0 is ONLINE:
Resolution: 640x480
FPS: 30.0
Backend: V4L2
Frame shape: (480, 640, 3)
Format: YUYV
Stability test: 5/5 frames captured successfully
[ WARN:0@0.913] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video1): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@0.972] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 1: Not available
✓ Camera 2 is ONLINE:
Resolution: 640x480
FPS: 30.0
Backend: V4L2
Frame shape: (480, 640, 3)
Format: YUYV
Stability test: 5/5 frames captured successfully
[ WARN:0@1.818] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video3): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@1.820] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 3: Not available
[ WARN:0@1.820] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video4): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@1.822] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 4: Not available
[ WARN:0@1.822] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video5): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@1.823] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 5: Not available
[ WARN:0@1.824] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video6): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@1.825] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 6: Not available
[ WARN:0@1.825] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video7): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@1.828] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 7: Not available
[ WARN:0@1.828] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video8): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@1.830] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 8: Not available
[ WARN:0@1.830] global cap_v4l.cpp:999 open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video9): can't open camera by index
[ERROR:0@1.831] global obsensor_uvc_stream_channel.cpp:158 getStreamChannelGroup Camera index out of range
✗ Camera 9: Not available
Working camera indices: [0, 2]
Camera check complete!
so you can know which one is online
Thank you!
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