#ifdef DEBUG wchar_t str[100]; swprintf(str,L"if %d %lf\n", valueInt, valueDouble); OutputDebugString( str ); #endif
(example code) print string to debug output window in visual studio C++
Visual Studio
Get Rotation and Translation from 2 groups of 3d points (calculate R, T between 2 points.)
I made this example source code referencing from this site.
Key idea(main processing) is using SVD(singular Value Decomposition)
I made first group consist of 3d points by random selection.
Second groups of 3d points is made by random rotation and translation.
Blue color is points of second group.
How to find R,T between 2 groups of 3d points ?
for detail, see below matlab source code.
After get R,T, second group can transform to original position.
matlab source code.
Key idea(main processing) is using SVD(singular Value Decomposition)
I made first group consist of 3d points by random selection.
Second groups of 3d points is made by random rotation and translation.
Blue color is points of second group.
How to find R,T between 2 groups of 3d points ?
for detail, see below matlab source code.
After get R,T, second group can transform to original position.
matlab source code.
printf %Get R,T from 2 groups of 3d points %The first group is created by random selection A3pt = rand(3, 10); figure(10); plot3(A3pt(1,:),A3pt(2,:),A3pt(3,:),'r.');%, axis equal %The second group is made by random R,T from first group v1=0.6*(2*rand-1); v2=0.6*(2*rand-1); v3=0.6*(2*rand-1); R1=[1 0 0;0 cos(v1) -sin(v1);0 sin(v1) cos(v1)]; R2=[cos(v2) 0 sin(v2);0 1 0;-sin(v2) 0 cos(v2)]; R3=[cos(v3) -sin(v3) 0;sin(v3) cos(v3) 0;0 0 1]; R=R3*R2*R1; T = rand(3,1); B3pt = R*A3pt; %Rotation for i=1:3 %dimension B3pt(i,:)=B3pt(i,:)+T(i); % translation end %show 2 group figure(1); plot3(A3pt(1,:),A3pt(2,:),A3pt(3,:),'r.',B3pt(1,:),B3pt(2,:),B3pt(3,:),'bo');%, axis equal %% get R,T MeanA = mean(A3pt, 2); MeanB = mean(B3pt, 2); HH=zeros(3,3); n = length(A3pt); for i=1:n tA = A3pt(:,i) - MeanA; tB = B3pt(:,i) - MeanB; hh = tB * tA'; HH = HH + hh; end [U,~,V]=svd(HH); Ri=V*U'; %get R Ti=MeanA-Ri*MeanB; %Get T %% confirm B3pt_=Ri*B3pt; % Rotation μν€κΈ° Apply transformation for i=1:3 %dimension B3pt_(i,:)=B3pt_(i,:)+Ti(i); % translation μν€κΈ° end %show 2 group figure(2); plot3(A3pt(1,:),A3pt(2,:),A3pt(3,:),'r.',B3pt_(1,:),B3pt_(2,:),B3pt_(3,:),'bo');%, axis equal...
integer to string ( _itoa_s )
see code
int increase = 0; char str[100]; _itoa_s(time(0),str,10); //10 means decimal so 8:octal, 16Lhex, 2:binary sprintf_s(str, "%s_%d", str, increase); printf("%s \n", str );...
2 rect intersection, union and overlap ratio in opencv Rect
using & and | operator and area() method.
see code
see code
Rect A(100, 100, 100, 100); //x, y, width, hegiht Rect B(80, 80, 100, 100); //x, y, width, hegiht printf("intersection area= %d\n", (A&B).area()); printf("union area = %d\n", (A|B).area()); printf("instersection ratio %lf \n", (A&B).area() / float( (A | B).area() ));..
long delay opencv gpu/cuda/GpuMat
When using opencv GpuMat, there is a long delay in a use of the first line code.
In this page,
There is solution in article.
In one word.
Add 5.2 option in CUDA_ARCH_BIN table when cmake setting.
In my case, this delay problem cleared, after build by set this option.
Thank you.
In this page,
There is solution in article.
In one word.
Add 5.2 option in CUDA_ARCH_BIN table when cmake setting.
In my case, this delay problem cleared, after build by set this option.
Thank you.
gpu delay,
Opencv Build,
Motion flow and direction (gpu, cuda version/ example source code / opti...
opencv 3.0 cuda version optical flow
More detail refer to example source code.
#include < iostream> #include "opencv2\objdetect\objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2\imgproc\imgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2\cudaobjdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2\cudaimgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2\cudawarping.hpp" #include < opencv2\bgsegm.hpp> #include < opencv2\cudabgsegm.hpp> #include < opencv2\cudaoptflow.hpp> #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgcodecs300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_objdetect300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_videoio300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaobjdetect300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudawarping300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaimgproc300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudabgsegm300d.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaoptflow300d.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgcodecs300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_objdetect300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_videoio300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaobjdetect300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudawarping300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaimgproc300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudabgsegm300.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaoptflow300.lib") #endif using namespace cv; using namespace std; static void download(const cuda::GpuMat& d_mat, vector< Point2f>& vec); static void download(const cuda::GpuMat& d_mat, vector< uchar>& vec); static void drawArrows(Mat& frame, const vector< Point2f>& prevPts, const vector< Point2f>& nextPts, const vector< uchar>& status, Scalar line_color = Scalar(0, 0, 255)); void main() { //variable cuda::GpuMat GpuImg, rGpuImg_Bgray; cuda::GpuMat oldGpuImg_Agray; //video Mat img, dImg_rg, dimg; VideoCapture cap("M:\\____videoSample____\\tracking\\TownCentreXVID.avi"); cap >> img; if (img.empty()) return; //scale double scale = 800. / img.cols; //first gpumat GpuImg.upload(img); cuda::resize(GpuImg, oldGpuImg_Agray, Size(GpuImg.cols * scale, GpuImg.rows * scale)); cuda::cvtColor(oldGpuImg_Agray, oldGpuImg_Agray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cuda::GpuMat d_prevPts; cuda::GpuMat d_nextPts; cuda::GpuMat d_status; Ptr< cuda::CornersDetector> detector = cuda::createGoodFeaturesToTrackDetector(oldGpuImg_Agray.type(), 4000, 0.01, 0); //opticla flow Ptr< cuda::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow> d_pyrLK = cuda::SparsePyrLKOpticalFlow::create(Size(21, 21), 3, 30); unsigned long Atime, Btime; float TakeTime; while (1) { Atime = getTickCount(); cap >> img; if (img.empty()) break; //get image GpuImg.upload(img); cuda::resize(GpuImg, rGpuImg_Bgray, Size(GpuImg.cols * scale, GpuImg.rows * scale)); rGpuImg_Bgray.download(dimg); cuda::cvtColor(rGpuImg_Bgray, rGpuImg_Bgray, CV_BGR2GRAY); rGpuImg_Bgray.download(dImg_rg); //A,B image //oldGpuImg_Agray; //rGpuImg_Bgray; //feature detector->detect(oldGpuImg_Agray, d_prevPts); d_pyrLK->calc(oldGpuImg_Agray, rGpuImg_Bgray, d_prevPts, d_nextPts, d_status); //old oldGpuImg_Agray = rGpuImg_Bgray; // Draw arrows vector< Point2f> prevPts(d_prevPts.cols); download(d_prevPts, prevPts); vector< Point2f> nextPts(d_nextPts.cols); download(d_nextPts, nextPts); vector< uchar> status(d_status.cols); download(d_status, status); drawArrows(dimg, prevPts, nextPts, status, Scalar(255, 0, 0)); //show imshow("PyrLK [Sparse]", dimg); imshow("origin", dImg_rg); if (waitKey(10)>0) break; Btime = getTickCount(); TakeTime = (Btime - Atime) / getTickFrequency(); printf("%lf sec / %lf fps \n", TakeTime, 1 / TakeTime); } } static void download(const cuda::GpuMat& d_mat, vector< uchar>& vec) { vec.resize(d_mat.cols); Mat mat(1, d_mat.cols, CV_8UC1, (void*)&vec[0]); d_mat.download(mat); } static void download(const cuda::GpuMat& d_mat, vector< Point2f>& vec) { vec.resize(d_mat.cols); Mat mat(1, d_mat.cols, CV_32FC2, (void*)&vec[0]); d_mat.download(mat); } static void drawArrows(Mat& frame, const vector< Point2f>& prevPts, const vector< Point2f>& nextPts, const vector< uchar>& status, Scalar line_color) { for (size_t i = 0; i < prevPts.size(); ++i) { if (status[i]) { int line_thickness = 1; Point p = prevPts[i]; Point q = nextPts[i]; double angle = atan2((double)p.y - q.y, (double)p.x - q.x); double hypotenuse = sqrt((double)(p.y - q.y)*(p.y - q.y) + (double)(p.x - q.x)*(p.x - q.x)); if (hypotenuse < 1.0) continue; // Here we lengthen the arrow by a factor of three. q.x = (int)(p.x - 3 * hypotenuse * cos(angle)); q.y = (int)(p.y - 3 * hypotenuse * sin(angle)); // Now we draw the main line of the arrow. line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); // Now draw the tips of the arrow. I do some scaling so that the // tips look proportional to the main line of the arrow. p.x = (int)(q.x + 9 * cos(angle + CV_PI / 4)); p.y = (int)(q.y + 9 * sin(angle + CV_PI / 4)); line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); p.x = (int)(q.x + 9 * cos(angle - CV_PI / 4)); p.y = (int)(q.y + 9 * sin(angle - CV_PI / 4)); line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); } } }...
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