
YUV color format (444, 422, 411) - simple explanation

In the YUV color format, Y is bright information, U is blue color area, V is red color area.
Show the below picture. The picture is u-v color map

There are 3 type color format of YUV.
The types are 444, 422, 411.
444 is one pixel is 24 bits. 
422 is one pixel is 16 bits.
And U0, V0 is shared by Y0, Y1.

411 is one pixel is 12 bits.
This source code is convert code from YUV422 to RGB.


void ConvertYUV422toRGB(unsigned char** pSrc, unsigned char** pDst,int width,int height){
int i,j;
unsigned char* dst=*pDst;
unsigned char* src=*pSrc;
int Y1,Y2,U,V;
int R,G,B;


dst[i*3+2]=(unsigned char)((float)Y1+(1.4075f*(float)(V-128)));
dst[i*3+1]=(unsigned char)((float)Y1+(0.3455f*(float)(U-128)-(0.7169f*(float)(V-128))));
dst[i*3]=(unsigned char)((float)Y1+(1.7790f*(float)(U-128)));
dst[i*3+5]=(unsigned char)((float)Y2+(1.4075f*(float)(V-128)));
dst[i*3+4]=(unsigned char)((float)Y2+(0.3455f*(float)(U-128)-(0.7169f*(float)(V-128))));
dst[i*3+3]=(unsigned char)((float)Y2+(1.7790f*(float)(U-128)));


And YUV is converted by below fomulation.

R = Y + 1.4075(V-128)
G = Y - 0.3455(U-128) - 0.7169(V-128)
B = Y + 1.7790(U-128)
Thanks you.

sorry last source code is broken.
becasue html tag..
So I upload new version convert source code.
note!!! check Y position, the position is different as machine environment..
In the source code, stride means real width size.
YUV422 to RGB
//yuv to rgb
 int Y,U,V;   
 int R1,G1,B1;
 for(int ih=0; ihm_height; ++ih)
  //int iww=0;
  for(int iw=0; iwm_width; iw++)
   if(iw %2 == 0)
    Y = obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 0];
    U = obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 1];
    V = obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 3];
    Y = obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 0];
    U = obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 -1];
    V = obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 1];
   R1 = Y + 1.4075*(V-128);
   G1 = Y - 0.3455*(U-128) - 0.7169*(V-128);
   B1 = Y + 1.7790*(U-128);

   o_Image2.at(ih, iw)[0] = BYTE(MMIN(255, MMAX(0, B1)));// B1;
   o_Image2.at(ih, iw)[1] = BYTE(MMIN(255, MMAX(0, G1)));// G1;
   o_Image2.at(ih, iw)[2] = BYTE(MMIN(255, MMAX(0, R1)));// R1;
RGB to YUV422
int Y,U,V;   
   int R1,G1,B1;
   for(int ih=0; ih< obj->m_height; ++ih)
    //int iww=0;
    for(int iw=0; iw< obj->m_width; iw++)

     B1 = o_Image2.at< cv::Vec3b>(ih, iw)[0];// B1;
     G1 = o_Image2.at< cv::Vec3b>(ih, iw)[1];// G1;
     R1 = o_Image2.at< cv::Vec3b>(ih, iw)[2];// R1;

     Y = (0.257*R1) + (0.504*G1) + (0.098*B1) +16;
     U = -(0.148*R1) - (0.291*G1) + (0.439*B1) + 128;
     V = (0.439*R1 ) - (0.368*G1) - (0.071*B1) + 128;
     Y = MMIN(255, MMAX(0, Y));
     U = MMIN(255, MMAX(0, U));
     V = MMIN(255, MMAX(0, V));

     if(iw %2 == 0)
      obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 0] = Y;
      obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 1] = U;
      obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 3] = V;
      obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 0] = Y;
      obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 -1] = U;
      obj->m_yuv[ih*obj->m_stride + iw*2 + 1] = V;

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