This link page introduces how to make a mosaic image from two adjacent images.
I made two cam video to one stitching video using the source code.
After run, operate the program of 3 keys.
'q' key is quit, 'p' key is processing(stitching), 'r' is reset.
Mat TwoInOneOut(Mat Left, Mat Right); void main() { VideoCapture stream1(0); //0 is the id of video device.0 if you have only one camera VideoCapture stream2(1); //0 is the id of video device.0 if you have only one camera if (!stream1.isOpened()) { //check if video device has been initialised cout << "cannot open camera 1"; } if (!stream2.isOpened()) { //check if video device has been initialised cout << "cannot open camera 2"; } // namedWindow("Processing"); // namedWindow("Left"); // namedWindow("Right"); Mat H; int mode=0; //unconditional loop while (true) { Mat cameraFrame1;; //get one frame form video Mat cameraFrame2;; //get one frame form video if(mode == 0) { imshow("Left", cameraFrame1); imshow("Right", cameraFrame2); } Mat Left(cameraFrame1.rows, cameraFrame1.cols, CV_8U); Mat Right(cameraFrame1.rows, cameraFrame1.cols, CV_8U); cvtColor(cameraFrame1, Left, CV_RGB2GRAY, CV_8U); cvtColor(cameraFrame2, Right, CV_RGB2GRAY, CV_8U); if (waitKey(30) == 'p') { printf("Homography Matrix Processing\n"); H = TwoInOneOut(Left, Right); mode=1; destroyWindow("Left"); destroyWindow("Right"); } if(waitKey(30) == 'r') { printf("normal mode\n"); destroyWindow("Processing"); mode=0; } //printf("%d %d\n", H.cols, H.rows); if(H.cols == 3 && H.rows == 3) { Mat WarpImg( Left.rows*2, Left.cols*2, cameraFrame1.depth() ); //printf("%d %d\n", A.depth(), A.channels()); warpPerspective(cameraFrame2, WarpImg, H, Size(WarpImg.cols, WarpImg.rows)); Mat tempWarpImg = WarpImg(Rect(0,0,Left.cols,Left.rows)); cameraFrame1.copyTo(tempWarpImg); /* Mat WarpImg( Left.rows*2, Left.cols*2, CV_8U); //printf("%d %d\n", A.depth(), A.channels()); warpPerspective(Right, WarpImg, H, Size(WarpImg.cols, WarpImg.rows)); Mat tempWarpImg = WarpImg(Rect(0,0,Left.cols,Left.rows)); Left.copyTo(tempWarpImg); */ if(mode ==1) imshow("Processing", WarpImg ); //Mat t = WarpImg( Rect(0,0,B.cols, B.rows)); } //imshow("Processing", t ); if (waitKey(30) == 'q') break; } destroyAllWindows(); } Mat TwoInOneOut(Mat Left, Mat Right) { Mat H; if(Left.channels() != 1 || Right.channels() != 1) { printf("Channel Error\n"); return H; } ///////////////// //Detect the keypoints using SURF Detector int minHessian = 300; //1500; SurfFeatureDetector detector( minHessian ); SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor; ///////////////// //A std::vector< KeyPoint> kp_Left; detector.detect( Left, kp_Left ); Mat des_Left; extractor.compute( Left, kp_Left, des_Left ); ///////////////// //B std::vector< KeyPoint> kp_Right; detector.detect( Right, kp_Right ); Mat des_Right; extractor.compute( Right, kp_Right, des_Right ); ///////////////// //Match std::vector< vector< DMatch > > matches; FlannBasedMatcher matcher; matcher.knnMatch(des_Left, des_Right, matches, 2); //matcher.knnMatch(des_Right, des_Left, matches, 2); std::vector< DMatch > good_matches; good_matches.reserve(matches.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); ++i) { if (matches[i].size() < 2) continue; const DMatch &m1 = matches[i][0]; const DMatch &m2 = matches[i][1]; if(m1.distance <= 0.7 * m2.distance) good_matches.push_back(m1); } //Draw only "good" matches Mat img_matches; drawMatches( Left, kp_Left, Right, kp_Right, good_matches, img_matches, Scalar::all(-1), Scalar::all(-1), vector< char>(), DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS ); imshow("Match", img_matches); ///////////////// //Find H if(good_matches.size() > 20 ) { std::vector< Point2f > LeftMatchPT; std::vector< Point2f > RightMatchPT; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < good_matches.size(); i++ ) { //-- Get the keypoints from the good matches LeftMatchPT.push_back( kp_Left[ good_matches[i].queryIdx ].pt ); RightMatchPT.push_back( kp_Right[ good_matches[i].trainIdx ].pt ); } H = findHomography( RightMatchPT, LeftMatchPT, CV_RANSAC ); //H = findHomography( LeftMatchPT,RightMatchPT, CV_RANSAC ); } return H; }////
The source code
-> here