
QT printf

qDebug ("message %d, says: %s",num,str);
qDebug() << "Debug Message";
qDebug messages are removed if "QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT" is defined, so it will be useful than printf.

And refer to other message out methods.

qWarning() << "Warning Message";
qCritical() << "Critical Error Message";
qFatal() << "Fatal Error Message";

Have a good day!

#include < stdio.h>
#include < QDebug>

int main()
    qDebug() << "QDebug.h";

cat detection using latent SVM in opencv

The latent SVM tells the learning method used in this paper -> "Discriminatively trained deformable part models".
The authors site is here. "http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~rbg/latent/"

This algorithm became known to the researcher as PASCAL challenge won with outstanding ahievement in 2010.

Although the current big trend is deep learning, but we should study the various algorithms.

Matlab source code was opened on the author site.
But the source code is made and tested on the linux and mac os.
If we use the matlab code in the window, it may will need onerous various tasks.

OpenCV provides a detector of latent svm. But learner is not supported. 
So we must bring the learning result of matlab.
But I don't know yet how to convert xml file to use openCV function.

Does who know how to convert matlab training result to xml file?

Some researchers have created a c ++ version of the learner of latent svm.
Please search in google.

OpenCV introduces 2 version sample code.
"samples/c/latentsvmdetect.cpp" and "samples/cpp/latentsvm_multidetect.cpp"

First code is single object detection example. 
Second code is multi class object detection example.

Second code needs one more learned result of objects.
In this article, first code only introduce, because I have only one xml file(cat.xml).

Does anyone have other learned xml result of latent svm ?

I have removed TBB code in origin sample code because some errors.
If you use TBB function, detection processing will be faster. 

Detector returns score of detection.
In my case, score is minus.
I don't know yet, the score is right or not.
Now, I am considering more accurate detection value close to zero.
Anyone know?

#include <  stdio.h>    
#include <  opencv2\opencv.hpp>    
#include <  opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>    
#include <  opencv2\objdetect\objdetect.hpp >

#ifdef _DEBUG            
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249d.lib")    
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_objdetect249d.lib") 
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249d.lib")    
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249.lib")    
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_objdetect249.lib")    
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249.lib")    

using namespace cv;     
static void detect_and_draw_objects( IplImage* image, CvLatentSvmDetector* detector);

int main()    
 const char* model_filename = "cat.xml";
 const char* image_filename = "cat7.jpg";
 IplImage* image = cvLoadImage(image_filename);
 CvLatentSvmDetector* detector = cvLoadLatentSvmDetector(model_filename);

 detect_and_draw_objects( image, detector );
    cvNamedWindow( "test", 1 );
    cvShowImage( "test", image );

    cvReleaseLatentSvmDetector( &detector );
    cvReleaseImage( &image );

static void detect_and_draw_objects( IplImage* image, CvLatentSvmDetector* detector)

 CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    CvSeq* detections = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int64 start = 0, finish = 0;
    start = cvGetTickCount();
    detections = cvLatentSvmDetectObjects(image, detector, storage, 0.5f,100);
    finish = cvGetTickCount();
    printf("detection time = %.3f\n", (float)(finish - start) / (float)(cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000000.0));

 CvFont * font = new CvFont;  
 cvInitFont(font, CV_FONT_VECTOR0, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0, 1, 8); //rate of width and height is 1:2  

    for( i = 0; i <  detections->total; i++ )
        CvObjectDetection detection = *(CvObjectDetection*)cvGetSeqElem( detections, i );
        float score         = detection.score;
        CvRect bounding_box = detection.rect;
        cvRectangle( image, cvPoint(bounding_box.x, bounding_box.y),
                     cvPoint(bounding_box.x + bounding_box.width,
                            bounding_box.y + bounding_box.height),
                     CV_RGB(cvRound(255.0f*score*-1),0,0), 1 );
  printf("[%d] - %d %d %d %d : %lf\n", i, bounding_box.x, bounding_box.y, bounding_box.width, bounding_box.height, score);

  char szText[255];  
  sprintf(szText, "[%d]:%lf", i, score);  //make string  
  cvPutText(image, szText, cvPoint(bounding_box.x, bounding_box.y+10), 
   font, CV_RGB(255, 255, 255)); //draw text on the IplImage* (Image) 

    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );



Error solver tip - >error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp____glutInitWithExit@12 referenced in function _glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK, error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8 referenced in function _glutCreateWindow_ATEXIT_HACK

I meet the these error when I test example code in the CUDA by Example book.
main.cu.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp____glutInitWithExit@12 referenced in function _glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK@8

1>main.cu.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8 referenced in function _glutCreateWindow_ATEXIT_HACK@4

1>M:\____MareResearch____\CUDA_application\testCuda1000\Debug\testCuda1000.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

This errors are independent with cuda. It associated with the problem of OpenGL setting.

Firstly, let's check OpenGL related files.

: Window OS and VS 2012
*Header files
GL.h, GLU.h, glut.h (additionally, glext.h, wglext.h) are located in the below path.
" C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\GL "

*lib files
glut.lib, glut32.lib are located in 
" C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\lib "

*dll files
glut32.dll. glut.dll are located in 

*** ETC ***
: Visual Studio 2010
glut.h -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include\gl
glut32.lib -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib
: Visual Studio 2008
glut.h -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include\gl
glut32.lib -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib
: Visual Studio 2005
glut.h -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\Include\gl
glut32.lib -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\Lib
: Visual Studio 6.0
glut.h -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include\GL
glut32.lib -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include\Lib

If you do not have OpenGL files, you can download from this site.
If you are testing example code of CUDA by example book and meet the same error like me, I modify one more thing.
I change the code in "gl_helper.h" like that..->

#include "GL/glut.h"
#include "GL/glext.h"
#include < GL/glut.h>
#include < GL/glext.h>

Because "< " is referenced by VS path. Double quotes are referenced relative path and set by the user. 

If you installed the OpenGL well, it will be no errors to run the following sources:
#include < gl/glut.h>

void Display(){

int main(){
 glutCreateWindow("OpenGL Hello World!");
 return 0;    



Basic concept of calculus

To categorize big, middle, small of camera movement using k-means

Mr. Juan ask me that to categorize camera movement rate into big, middle, small.
He is researching to find meaningful scene in endoscopic video.

His one of approach is using optical flow.
refer to this page.
Dense optical flow can know how much video moving.
The source code of reference page checked camera move or not by the percentage of movement.
There are 2 threshold values.
Count number of moved pixels, this is counted when pixels moved over than threshold-1 value.
And check whether the counted pixels is over than threshold-2 percent or not in all pixels.

By the way, he ask me to separate video moving by big, middle, small using k-means clustering algorithm without threshold.
In past, I introduced the usage of k-mean algorithm using openCV.
See this page.

This work is separated by 3 steps.
Step 1 is to calculate movement rate in video using optical flow.
And save fame and movement rate information to txt file.

Step 2 is clustering by 3 class degree movement using k-means.
read step 1 file and write clustering information to txt file.

Step 3 is for display.
read step 3 txt file and display moving rate on the video.

refer to these source code.
Thank you.

Step 1.
Getting movement rate of frames.

moving rate is calculated.

#include < stdio.h>  

#include < opencv2\opencv.hpp>  
#include < opencv2/core/core.hpp>  
#include < opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>  
#include < opencv2\gpu\gpu.hpp>  
#include < opencv2\nonfree\features2d.hpp >      

#ifdef _DEBUG          
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249d.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc249d.lib")   //MAT processing  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_objdetect249d.lib") //HOGDescriptor  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_gpu249d.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_features2d249d.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249d.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc249.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_objdetect249.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_gpu249.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_features2d249.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249.lib")  

using namespace std;  
using namespace cv;  

#define WIDTH_DENSE (80)  
#define HEIGHT_DENSE (60)  

#define DENSE_DRAW 0 //dense optical flow arrow drawing or not  
#define GLOBAL_MOTION_TH1 1  
#define GLOBAL_MOTION_TH2 70  

float drawOptFlowMap_gpu (const Mat& flow_x, const Mat& flow_y, Mat& cflowmap, int step, float scaleX, float scaleY, int drawOnOff);  

int main()  
 //stream /////////////////////////////////////////////////  
 VideoCapture stream1("M:\\____videoSample____\\medical\\HUV-03-14.wmv");

 //variables /////////////////////////////////////////////  
 Mat O_Img; //Mat  
 gpu::GpuMat O_Img_gpu; //GPU  
 gpu::GpuMat R_Img_gpu_dense; //gpu dense resize  
 gpu::GpuMat R_Img_gpu_dense_gray_pre; //gpu dense resize gray  
 gpu::GpuMat R_Img_gpu_dense_gray; //gpu dense resize gray  
 gpu::GpuMat flow_x_gpu, flow_y_gpu;  
 Mat flow_x, flow_y;  

 //algorithm *************************************  
 //dense optical flow  
 gpu::FarnebackOpticalFlow fbOF;  

 //running once //////////////////////////////////////////  
 if(!(stream1.read(O_Img))) //get one frame form video  
  printf("Open Fail !!\n");  
  return 0;   

 //for rate calucation  
 float scaleX, scaleY;  
 scaleX = O_Img.cols/WIDTH_DENSE;  
 scaleY = O_Img.rows/HEIGHT_DENSE;  

 gpu::resize(O_Img_gpu, R_Img_gpu_dense, Size(WIDTH_DENSE, HEIGHT_DENSE));  
 gpu::cvtColor(R_Img_gpu_dense, R_Img_gpu_dense_gray_pre, CV_BGR2GRAY);  

 FILE *fp = fopen("DataOutput.txt","w");

 //unconditional loop   ///////////////////////////////////  
 int frame=0;
 int untilFrame=1000;
 while (true) {  
  if(frame>untilFrame)  //stop point.

  if( stream1.read(O_Img) == 0) //get one frame form video     

  // ---------------------------------------------------  
  //upload cou mat to gpu mat  
  gpu::resize(O_Img_gpu, R_Img_gpu_dense, Size(WIDTH_DENSE, HEIGHT_DENSE));  
  //color to gray  
  gpu::cvtColor(R_Img_gpu_dense, R_Img_gpu_dense_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);  

  //calculate dense optical flow using GPU version  
  fbOF.operator()(R_Img_gpu_dense_gray_pre, R_Img_gpu_dense_gray, flow_x_gpu, flow_y_gpu);  
  flow_x_gpu.download( flow_x );  
  flow_y_gpu.download( flow_y );  

  //calculate motion rate in whole image  
  float motionRate = drawOptFlowMap_gpu(flow_x, flow_y, O_Img, 1, scaleX, scaleY, DENSE_DRAW);  
  //update pre image  
  R_Img_gpu_dense_gray_pre = R_Img_gpu_dense_gray.clone();  

  //display "moving rate (0~100%)" and save to txt with frame
  char TestStr[100];  
  sprintf(TestStr, "%.2lf %% moving", motionRate);
  putText(O_Img, TestStr, Point(30,60), CV_FONT_NORMAL, 1, Scalar(255,255,255),2,2); //OutImg is Mat class;     
  //output "frame, motionRate" to txt
  fprintf(fp,"%d %.2lf\n", frame, motionRate);

  // show image ----------------------------------------  
  imshow("Origin", O_Img);     

  // wait key  
  if( cv::waitKey(100) > 30)  


float drawOptFlowMap_gpu (const Mat& flow_x, const Mat& flow_y, Mat& cflowmap, int step, float scaleX, float scaleY, int drawOnOff)  
 double count=0;  

 float countOverTh1 = 0;  
 int sx,sy;  
 for(int y = 0; y < HEIGHT_DENSE; y += step)  
  for(int x = 0; x < WIDTH_DENSE; x += step)  

    Point2f fxy;      
    fxy.x = cvRound( flow_x.at< float >(y, x)*scaleX + x*scaleX );     
    fxy.y = cvRound( flow_y.at< float >(y, x)*scaleY + y*scaleY );     
    line(cflowmap, Point(x*scaleX,y*scaleY), Point(fxy.x, fxy.y), CV_RGB(0, 255, 0));     
    circle(cflowmap, Point(fxy.x, fxy.y), 1, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), -1);     

   float xx = fabs(flow_x.at< float >(y, x) );  
   float yy = fabs(flow_y.at< float >(y, x) );  

   float xxyy = sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy);  
   if( xxyy > GLOBAL_MOTION_TH1 )  
    countOverTh1 = countOverTh1 +1;  

 return (countOverTh1 / count) * 100;  



step 2. clustering movement rate to 3 classes.
The movement rates are clustered by 3 values

Frames and class ID

#include <  stdio.h>     
#include <  iostream>     
#include <  opencv2\opencv.hpp>     

#ifdef _DEBUG             
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249d.lib")     
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc249d.lib")   //MAT processing     
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249d.lib")     
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249.lib")     
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc249.lib")     
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249.lib")     

using namespace cv;  
using namespace std;  

void main()  

 //read data
 FILE* fp = fopen("DataOutput.txt","r");
 vector< float > readDataV;
 int frames;
 double movingRate;
 while(fscanf(fp,"%d %lf", &frames, &movingRate) != EOF )
  readDataV.push_back( movingRate );
  //printf("%d %lf \n", frames, movingRate);
 //preparing variables for kmeans
 Mat samples(readDataV.size(), 1, CV_32F);  
 //copy vector to mat
 memcpy(samples.data, readDataV.data(), readDataV.size()*sizeof(float) );

 int clusterCount = 3;
 Mat labels;
 int attempts = 10;
 Mat centers;
 kmeans(samples, clusterCount, labels, 
  TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 10, 1.0), 
  attempts, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers );

 //result out
 //frames, class index
 for(int i=0; i< clusterCount; ++i)
  printf("%d class center %lf\n",  i, centers.at< float>(i,0) );
 FILE* fp2 = fopen("ResultKmeans.txt", "w");
 for(int i=0; i< readDataV.size(); ++i)
  //printf("%d %d\n", i, labels.at< int>(i,0) );
  fprintf(fp2, "%d %d\n", i+1, labels.at< int>(i,0) );


step 3. display movement labels on the video.

display 3 type of movement category(big, middle, small).

#include < time.h>
#include < opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include < string>
#include < stdio.h>

#ifdef _DEBUG        
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc249d.lib")   //MAT processing
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc249.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui249.lib")

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main()
 //read file
 FILE* fp = fopen("ResultKmeans.txt","r");
 vector< int > readDataV;
 int frames;
 int labels;
 while(fscanf(fp,"%d %d", &frames, &labels) != EOF )
  readDataV.push_back( labels );
  //printf("%d %d \n", frames, labels);

 //Load avi file 
 VideoCapture stream1("M:\\____videoSample____\\medical\\HUV-03-14.wmv");

 //Mat and GpuMat
 Mat o_frame; 

 stream1 >> o_frame;
 if( o_frame.empty() )
   return 0; 

 int frame=0;
 int untilFrame=1000;
  if(frame>untilFrame)  //stop point.

  stream1 >> o_frame;
  if( o_frame.empty() )
   return 0;

  char TestStr[100];    
  if(readDataV[frame-1] == 0)  
   sprintf(TestStr, "Big moving");   
  else if(readDataV[frame-1] == 1)
   sprintf(TestStr, "middle moving");
   sprintf(TestStr, "small moving");

  putText(o_frame, TestStr, Point(30,60), CV_FONT_NORMAL, 1, Scalar(255,255,255),2,2); //OutImg is Mat class;     

  imshow("origin", o_frame);  

  if( waitKey(10) > 0)

 return 0;



Background Subtraction and Blob labeling and FREAK feature extraction

This code is the source of this video.

The source code included 2 separable routine.
One is blob labeling.
Another is FREAK feature extraction and draw.

Blob labeling is using MOG2 algorithm.
MOG2 is introduced in past on my blog.
Refer to this page.
By the way, this code included blur routine.
I thought low frequency image is more useful for background learning.
This rgb blur code on GPU mode is referenced from here.

Another routine is FREAK feature extraction.
Firstly, find feature using FAST_GPU, and extract FREAK descriptor.
After extraction, 2 descriptor can compare same image or not.

This code is made for processing time check.
The process is enough to processing in real time, because image is resized and use GPU.

Hope helping to you.
Thank you.

...code start...

...code end...