Matlab vector index shuffle
V1 =[ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70];
V2 = V1( :, randperm( length(V1) ));
V2 =
60 10 20 30 50 40 70
OpenCV Mat and Matrix operation examples
example code.
Mat Ma = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1); cout << Ma << endl; double dm[3][3] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } }; Mat Mb = Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, dm); cout << Mb << endl; //Matrix - matrix operations : Mat Mc; cv::add(Ma, Mb, Mc); // Ma+Mb -> Mc cout << Ma+Mb << endl; cout << Mc << endl; cv::subtract(Ma, Mb, Mc); // Ma-Mb -> Mc cout << Ma - Mb << endl; cout << Mc << endl; Mc = Ma*Mb; //Ma*Mb; cout << Mc << endl; //Elementwise matrix operations : cv::multiply(Ma, Mb, Mc); // Ma.*Mb -> Mc cout << Mc << endl; Mc = Ma.mul(Mb); cout << Mc << endl; cv::divide(Ma, Mb, Mc); // Ma./Mb -> Mc cout << Mc << endl; Mc = Ma + 10; //Ma + 10 = Mc cout << Mc << endl; //Vector products : double va[] = { 1, 2, 3 }; double vb[] = { 0, 0, 1 }; double vc[3]; Mat Va(3, 1, CV_64FC1, va); Mat Vb(3, 1, CV_64FC1, vb); Mat Vc(3, 1, CV_64FC1, vc); double res = Va.dot(Vb); // dot product: Va . Vb -> res Vc = Va.cross(Vb); // cross product: Va x Vb -> Vc cout << res << " " << Vc << endl; //Single matrix operations : Mc = Mb.t(); // transpose(Ma) -> Mb (cannot transpose onto self) cout << Mc << endl; cv::Scalar t = trace(Ma); // trace(Ma) -> t.val[0] cout << t.val[0] << endl; double d = determinant(Ma); // det(Ma) -> d cout << d << endl; Mc = Ma.inv(); // inv(Mb) -> Mc invert(Ma, Mc); cout << Mc << endl; //Inhomogeneous linear system solver : double dm2[3][3] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 } }; Mat A(3, 3, CV_64FC1, dm2); Mat x(3, 1, CV_64FC1); double vvb[] = { 14, 32, 52 }; Mat b(3, 1, CV_64FC1, vvb); cv::solve(A, b, x, DECOMP_SVD); //// solve (Ax=b) for x cout << x << endl; //Eigen analysis(of a symmetric matrix) : float f11[] = { 1, 0.446, -0.56, 0.446, 1, -0.239, -0.56, 0.239, 1 }; Mat data(3, 3, CV_32F, f11); Mat value, vector; eigen(data, value, vector); cout << "Eigenvalues" << value << endl; cout << "Eigenvectors" << endl; cout << vector << endl; //Singular value decomposition : Mat w, u, v; SVDecomp(data, w, u, v); // A = U W V^T //The flags cause U and V to be returned transposed(does not work well without the transpose flags). cout << w << endl; cout << u << endl; cout << v << endl;...
OpenCV image and video write
image write
video write
Mat img = imread("ss.jpg"); vector< Mat> rgbMat(3); cv::split(img, rgbMat); namedWindow("img", 0); //make window imshow("img", rgbMat[2]); //show waitKey(0); imwrite("r.jpg", rgbMat[2]); imwrite("g.bmp", rgbMat[1]); imwrite("b.tif", rgbMat[0]);
video write
OpenCV Mat copyTo, Clone, ROI example code
OpenCV Mat copyTo, Clone, ROI example code
Mat img = imread("ss.jpg"); Rect r(img.cols / 4, img.rows / 4, img.cols / 4 * 2, img.rows / 4 * 2); //clone #1 Mat img2 = img.clone(); bitwise_not(img2, img2); //clone #2 Mat img5 = img(r).clone(); //copyTo #1 Mat cimg; img.copyTo(cimg); //copyTo #2 Mat cimg2; img(r).copyTo(cimg2); //copyTo #3 Mat cimg3( Size(img.cols*2, img.rows), img.type() ); cimg3.setTo(255); img.copyTo(cimg3(Range::all(), Range(0, img.cols))); img2.copyTo(cimg3(Range::all(), Range(img2.cols, img2.cols * 2))); //set roi Mat roi(img, r); //invert color bitwise_not(roi, roi); namedWindow("img2", 0); //make window imshow("img2", cimg); //show namedWindow("img3", 0); //make window imshow("img3", cimg2); //show namedWindow("img4", 0); //make window imshow("img4", cimg3); //show namedWindow("img5", 0); //make window imshow("img5", img5); //show namedWindow("img", 0); //make window imshow("img", img); //show waitKey(0);...
OpenCV Pixel Access, at, ptr, data, iteration (example)
I once wrote the following article.
This article is a sample code.
This article is a sample code.
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main(int, char) { namedWindow("img", 1); Mat img = imread("anapji.jpg"); if (img.depth() == CV_8U) printf("8bit unsigend\n"); img. /* cout << img.elemSize() << endl; cout << img.channels() << endl; cout << img.rows << endl; cout << img.step << endl; */ //using data //for (int i = img.rows / 10 * 7; i < img.rows / 10 * 8; i++) { //for (int i = 0; i < img.rows ; i++) { for (int i = img.rows / 10 * 7; i < img.rows / 10 * 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) { unsigned char r, g, b; b = img.data[i * img.step + j * img.elemSize() + 0]; g = img.data[i * img.step + j * img.elemSize() + 1]; r = img.data[i * img.step + j * img.elemSize() + 2]; img.data[i * img.step + j * img.elemSize() + 0] = unsigned char(255 - b); img.data[i * img.step + j * img.elemSize() + 1] = unsigned char(255 - g); img.data[i * img.step + j * img.elemSize() + 2] = unsigned char(255 - r); } } //using at for (int i = img.rows / 10 * 2; i < img.rows / 10 * 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; ++j) { //Vec3b means 'uchar 3ch' unsigned char b = img.at< cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[0]; unsigned char g = img.at< cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[1]; unsigned char r = img.at< cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[2]; //printf("%d %d %d\n", b, g, r); img.at< cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[0] = unsigned char(255 - b); //b img.at< cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[1] = unsigned char(255 - g); //g img.at< cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[2] = unsigned char(255 - r); //r } } //using ptr for (int i = img.rows / 10 * 5; i < img.rows / 10 * 6; i++) { cv::Vec3b* ptr = img.ptr< cv::Vec3b >(i); for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) { unsigned char b1 = (ptr[j][0]); unsigned char g1 = (ptr[j][1]); //note!! unsigned char r1 = (ptr[j][2]); cv::Vec3b bgr = ptr[j]; unsigned char b2 = (bgr[0]); unsigned char g2 = (bgr[1]); //note!! unsigned char r2 = (bgr[2]); ptr[j] = cv::Vec3b(255 - b1, 255 - g1, 255 - r1); } } //using iteration cv::MatIterator_< cv::Vec3b> itd = img.begin< cv::Vec3b>(), itd_end = img.end< cv::Vec3b>(); for (int i = 0; itd != itd_end; ++itd, ++i) { cv::Vec3b bgr = (*itd); (*itd)[0] = 255 - bgr[0]; (*itd)[1] = 255 - bgr[1]; (*itd)[2] = 255 - bgr[2]; } imshow("img", img); //show waitKey(0); destroyAllWindows(); return 0; }..
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Created Date : 2011.10 Language : C/C++ Tool : Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Library & Utilized : OpenCV 2.3 Reference : SIFT referenc...