for example
char str[100];
sprintf(str, "str_%d", 100);
CString A = CA2W(str);
small tip : Convert char * to LPCTSTR
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fig 1. Left: set 4 points (Left Top, Right Top, Right Bottom, Left Bottom), right:warped image to (0,0) (300,0), (300,300), (0,300) Fi...
As you can see in the following video, I created a class that stitching n cameras in real time.
In past, I wrote an articel about YUV 444, 422, 411 introduction and yuv rgb converting example code. refer to this page -> http://feel...
The MNIST dataset is a dataset of handwritten digits, comprising 60 000 training examples and 10 000 test examples. The dataset can be downl...
In the YUV color format, Y is bright information, U is blue color area, V is red color area. Show the below picture. The picture is u-v col...
Image size of origin is 320*240. Processing time is 30.96 second took. The result of stitching The resul...
Created Date : 2010.8 Language : C/C++ Tool : Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Library & Utilized : STL Reference : A* i...
Proceed with the project to update the 2012 version, or that you must reinstall Visual Studio 2010. If you are using Visual Studio 2...
Background subtractor example souce code. OpenCV support about 3 types subtraction algorithm. Those are MOG, MOG2, GMG algorithms. Det...
Video stabilization example source code. The principle is like that... Firstly, to obtain 2 adjacent images extract good feature to t...
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