
opencv perspective test

This is perspective example source code.
Basically, perspective is multiple by H(homography) matrix.
Like this :
B = H*A
In here, B is perspective image, A is original image and H is homography matrix.
For this calculate, we can use opencv function this -> warpPerspective(..)
And to find H, we also can use findHomography opencv function as well.

for more detail refer to this page:

and below source code:
code looks a little complicated, but just see getPerspectiveImg function carefully, other codes are just for making random and set value.

github url is here : https://github.com/MareArts/opencv_perspective_test

Thank you.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> 
#include <string>

#ifdef _DEBUG  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core331d.lib")   
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc331d.lib")   //MAT processing  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui331d.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_calib3d331d.lib") 
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgcodecs331d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core331.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc331.lib")  
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui331.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_calib3d331.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgcodecs331.lib")

//#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_objdetect246.lib")  
//#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_features2d246.lib")  

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

bool setPt(float x1, float x2, float x3, float x4, float y1, float y2, float y3, float y4, vector< Point2f> &in)
 if (in.size() == 4)
  in[0].x = x1;
  in[1].x = x2;
  in[2].x = x3;
  in[3].x = x4;

  in[0].y = y1;
  in[1].y = y2;
  in[2].y = y3;
  in[3].y = y4;
 else {
  return false;

 return true;

bool makeRandomPerspectivePoint(const vector< Point2f> &A, vector< Point2f> &B, Size imgSize)
 if (A.size() != 4 || B.size() != 4)
  cout << "matrix vector error!" << endl;
  return false;

 if (imgSize.width <= 0 || imgSize.height <= 0)
  cout << "image size error!" << endl;
  return false;

 const float maxRand = 0.4;
 int width = imgSize.width;
 int height = imgSize.height;
 int rndMarginX = width * maxRand;
 int rndMarginY = height * maxRand;

 int rx1 = rand() % rndMarginX;
 int ry1 = rand() % rndMarginY;
 int rM = rand() % 4;

 //minimum value
 if (rx1 == 0)
  rx1 = 1;
 if (ry1 == 0)
  ry1 = 1;

 //4 perspective mode
 if (rM == 0)
  setPt(0, width, width, 0, 0 + ry1, 0, height, height - ry1, B);
 else if (rM == 1)
  setPt(0 + rx1, width - rx1, width, 0, 0, 0, height, height, B);
 else if (rM == 2)
  setPt(0, width, width, 0, 0, 0 + ry1, height - ry1, height, B);
 else {
  setPt(0, width, width - rx1, 0 + rx1, 0, 0, height, height, B);

 return true;

bool getPerspectiveImg(const Mat& inImg, Mat& outImg, const vector< Point2f> &A, const vector< Point2f> &B)
 if (A.size() != 4 || B.size() != 4)
  cout << "matrix vector error!" << endl;
  return false;

 //B = H*A
 Mat H = findHomography(A, B);
 //perspectiveImg = H * inImg
 warpPerspective(inImg, outImg, H, inImg.size());

 return true;

int main()
 string fn = "Flag_of_South_Korea.png";
 Mat testImg = imread(fn);
 Size imgSize = testImg.size();
 vector< Point2f > opt(4);
 setPt(0, imgSize.width, imgSize.width, 0, 0, 0, imgSize.height, imgSize.height, opt);
 vector< Point2f > dpt(4);

 while (1)

  if (makeRandomPerspectivePoint(opt, dpt, imgSize) == false)

  Mat outImg;
  if (getPerspectiveImg(testImg, outImg, opt, dpt)) {
   imshow("origin", testImg);
   imshow("perspective", outImg);
  else {
   cout << "matrix vector error!" << endl;


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