
Elastic image effect, python opencv example source code.

Elastic effect source code.
It can be useful when you want to augment image dataset.
and it is also good to make image effect.

Please refer code:

import numpy as np
import cv2
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter

def elastic(image, alpha, sigma, random_state=None):
"""Elastic deformation of images as described in [Simard2003]_.
.. [Simard2003] Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, "Best Practices for
Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis", in
Proc. of the International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition, 2003.
if random_state is None:
random_state = np.random.RandomState(None)

shape = image.shape
dx = gaussian_filter((random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha
dy = gaussian_filter((random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha
dz = np.zeros_like(dx)

x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[2]))

indices = np.reshape(y+dy, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(x+dx, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(z, (-1, 1))
distored_image = map_coordinates(image, indices, order=1, mode='nearest') #wrap,reflect, nearest

return distored_image.reshape(image.shape)

#file read
o_img = cv2.imread('izone_oy.png')
elMat = elastic(o_img, alpha=5000, sigma=8, random_state=None)

cv2.imshow('origin', o_img)
cv2.imshow('elastic', elMat)


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