
Use the ConvNext classifier layer example

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import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision

# Load the pre-trained ConvNext model
model = torchvision.models.convnext_base(pretrained=True, stochastic_depth_prob=0.1, layer_scale=1e-4)

# Define a new linear layer with 10 output channels
new_linear_layer = nn.Linear(1024, 10)

# Replace the last linear layer in the classifier with the new one
classifier = model.classifier
classifier[-1] = new_linear_layer

# Set the modified classifier as the new classifier for the model
model.classifier = classifier

# Print the modified model architecture


In this code, we first load the pre-trained ConvNext model using torchvision.models.convnext_base. 
We then define a new linear layer with 10 output channels using nn.Linear. 
Next, we extract the existing classifier from the model using model.classifier, and replace the last linear layer in the classifier with the new one using indexing ([-1]). 
Finally, we set the modified classifier as the new classifier for the ConvNext model using model.classifier = classifier.

This code should print out the modified model architecture, which will have a classifier layer that is identical to the original ConvNext classifier except for the number of output channels in the last linear layer.

Thank you.

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