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Pattern Image for Camera Calibration
To convert from MyVisionUSB to OpenCV and Display (source code)
This is sample source to convert MyVision USB to OpenCV.
You need MyVision USB library to handle image buffer.
This link is included "MVULib.lib, MVULib.dll, MyVision.h".
Lib Download
And you can download driver file on the http://withrobot.com/157.
The below source is sample code to convert MyVision USB to OpenCV.
This code don't use memcpy. so it is little bit slow. The code needs upgrade to speed up.
#include < stdio.h > #include < cv.h > #include < cxcore.h > #include < highgui.h > #include < cvaux.h > #include "MyVision.h" using namespace std; void main() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MyVisionUSB Setting HBUF m_hBuf; HDIG m_hDig; char* ver = sysGetLibVer(); if(strcmp(ver, MV_LIB_VER) != 0) printf("incorrect library version\n"); m_hBuf = bufAlloc(640,480, MV_RGB32 | MV_DOUBLE); if(!m_hBuf) printf("Cann't Alloc Buffer\n"); m_hDig = digAlloc(MV_DEV0); if(!m_hDig) printf("Cann't Alloc Digitizer"); digGrabContinuous(m_hDig, m_hBuf); RGB32_T** pixel = (RGB32_T**)bufGetPtr2D(m_hBuf); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //OpenCV Setting cvNamedWindow("MyVisionUSBtoOpenCV",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); IplImage * img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480), 8, 3); int color, R, G, B, c; while(1) { digGrabWait(m_hDig, MV_FIELD_EVEN); for(int i=0; i<480 color="color" for="for" i="i" int="int" j="j" r="RGB32_TO_R(color);" xff0000="xff0000">>16); G = RGB32_TO_G(color); // (((color)&0x00ff00)>>8); B = RGB32_TO_B(color); // (((color)&0x0000ff)); img->imageData[i*img->widthStep+j*3+0] = B; img->imageData[i*img->widthStep+j*3+1] = G; img->imageData[i*img->widthStep+j*3+2] = R; } } cvShowImage("MyVisionUSBtoOpenCV",img); if( cvWaitKey(10) > 0 ) break; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //release memory cvReleaseImage(&img); cvDestroyAllWindows(); // digHalt(m_hDig); digFree(m_hDig); bufFree(m_hBuf); } 480>
Open Cv with Ip Camera (AXIS)
If your Ip camera production is AXIS, download Axis media control sdk on the this web page
And Install.
Add the axis control on you dlg box.
You can make the AxisMediaControl icon by choose items(right button click on the toolbox menu)->com components tap.
And add the AxisMediaControl on you dlg.
Plase refer to below video clip description of the rest steps. It is very useful video clip.
I am writing left article...
And Install.
Add the axis control on you dlg box.
You can make the AxisMediaControl icon by choose items(right button click on the toolbox menu)->com components tap.
And add the AxisMediaControl on you dlg.
Plase refer to below video clip description of the rest steps. It is very useful video clip.
I am writing left article...
(TIP) afxcontrolbars.h - No such file or directory Error!
If you meet this error message "afxcontrolbars.h - No such file or directory...", while complie on the VS C++.
You can solve this problem easily by installing Visual Studio Serviece Pack 1.0.
Download appropriate language version and install.
[vs90 sp1 English]
[vs90 sp1 Korea]
You can solve this problem easily by installing Visual Studio Serviece Pack 1.0.
Download appropriate language version and install.
[vs90 sp1 English]
[vs90 sp1 Korea]
(TIP) To get Color Information of specific pixel coordinate in the OpenGL
The method is simple to to get Color Information of specific pixel coordinate in the OpenGL is simple.
glReadPixels function enables these task.
The example source code is as follows.
struct{ GLubyte red, green, blue; } pixelColor;
glReadPixels(int(i), int(j), 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &pixelColor);
But the drawback is too slow and we can get exact color information after view rendering.
glReadPixels function enables these task.
The example source code is as follows.
struct{ GLubyte red, green, blue; } pixelColor;
glReadPixels(int(i), int(j), 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &pixelColor);
But the drawback is too slow and we can get exact color information after view rendering.
To Save OpenGL ViewPort to Image File (glReadPixels, OpenGL->OpenCV)
You can save the Viewport of OpenGL to Image file using glReadPixels function.
And this code is example for saving image file using openCV.
Thank you.
void CaptureViewPort() { GLubyte * bits; //RGB bits GLint viewport[4]; //current viewport //get current viewport glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); int w = viewport[2]; int h = viewport[3]; bits = new GLubyte[w*3*h]; //read pixel from frame buffer glFinish(); //finish all commands of OpenGL glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT,1); //or glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT,4); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0); glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GL_BGR_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bits); IplImage * capImg = cvCreateImage( cvSize(w,h), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); for(int i=0; i < h; ++i) { for(int j=0; j < w; ++j) { capImg->imageData[i*capImg->widthStep + j*3+0] = (unsigned char)(bits[(h-i-1)*3*w + j*3+0]); capImg->imageData[i*capImg->widthStep + j*3+1] = (unsigned char)(bits[(h-i-1)*3*w + j*3+1]); capImg->imageData[i*capImg->widthStep + j*3+2] = (unsigned char)(bits[(h-i-1)*3*w + j*3+2]); } } cvSaveImage("result.jpg",capImg); cvReleaseImage(&capImg); delete[] bits; }
(TIP) Check the radio button control / MFC or API
[mfc case]
[api case]
HWND hWnd;
hWnd = ::GetDlgItem(GetSafeHwnd(), IDC_RADIO_NOTIFY_ALL);
[api case]
HWND hWnd;
hWnd = ::GetDlgItem(GetSafeHwnd(), IDC_RADIO_NOTIFY_ALL);
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