__author__ = 'mare' d = dict(a=1, b=3, c=5) #{'a': 1, 'c': 5, 'b': 3} type(d) #< type 'dict'> color = {"apple":"red", "banana":"yellow"} #{'apple': 'red', 'banana': 'yellow'} print( color["apple"] ) #red #color[0] is not support, error #color += {"cherry":"red"} -> error color["cherry"] = "red" #{'cherry': 'red', 'apple': 'red', 'banana': 'yellow'} color["apple"] = "green" #{'cherry': 'red', 'apple': 'green', 'banana': 'yellow'} #items(), keys(), values() for c in color.items(): print(c) #('apple', 'green') #('cherry', 'red') #('banana', 'yellow') print('--') for k, v in color.items(): print(k, v) #apple green #cherry red #banana yellow print('--') for k in color.keys(): print(k) #apple #cherry #banana print('--') for v in color.values(): print(v) #green #red #yellow del color['cherry'] print(color) color.clear() #{'apple': 'green', 'banana': 'yellow'} print(color) #{} #more complex s = {'age':40.5, 'job':[1, 2, 3], 'name':{'kim':2, 'Cho':1}} print(s) #{'name': {'Cho': 1, 'kim': 2}, 'age': 40.5, 'job': [1, 2, 3]}
(python study) about dictionary variable (example source code)
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I use MOG2 algorithm to background subtraction. The process is resize to small for more fast processing to blur for avoid noise affectio...
fig 1. Left: set 4 points (Left Top, Right Top, Right Bottom, Left Bottom), right:warped image to (0,0) (300,0), (300,300), (0,300) Fi...
Image size of origin is 320*240. Processing time is 30.96 second took. The result of stitching The resul...
Created Date : 2011.2 Language : C/C++ Tool : Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Library & Utilized : OpenCV 2.2 Reference : Interent Refer...
Created Date : 2009.10. Language : C++ Tool : Visual Studio C++ 2008 Library & Utilized : Point Grey-FlyCapture, Triclops, OpenCV...
* Introduction - The solution shows panorama image from multi images. The panorama images is processing by real-time stitching algorithm...
After training SVM, we should test the trained XML data is reliable or not.. The method to extract HOG feature is refer to -> http://fe...
refer to this web page -> http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/py_tutorials/py_video/py_lucas_kanade/py_lucas_kanade.html dense optical f...
This is data acquisition source code of LMS511(SICK co.) Source code is made by MFC(vs 2008). The sensor is communicated by TCP/IP. ...
In the YUV color format, Y is bright information, U is blue color area, V is red color area. Show the below picture. The picture is u-v col...
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