
OpenMP Test on Visual Studio

To use OpenMP on Visual Studio IDE, we should set in tools->options like..

Below code is to calculate pi using loop logic.
There are 5 case code.
0 case is for testing, openMP running well or not.

1 case is no treading, else 2~4 case is some different OpenMP threading case.

I am also not friendly with openMP, so I will refer this code when not remember well.
And I will add more useful technical code..



The result image tells us, OpenMP is certainly faster than no threading.


for each, for_each, for auto - concept clean

Clean up the concept through below examples.

1. normal method : for, iterator

2. for auto loop

3. for each loop

4. for_each

refer to this example

It would be better if I could handle the parallel loop.
This is next time.

Thank you.

< gist >

< /gist >


two types of check sum function

First is intel method.
Second is motorora method.

Check sum used to check for packet confidence in serial communication.

refer to this below code

