I have been struggled for long time for save and restore the result of LSTM params.
Today, I have succeeded, I hope anyone helping this my example code.
Below code is example to learning for
input: hihell -> output: ihello
There are 4 variable for trainable
name rnn/basic_lstm_cell/weights:0, shape (10, 20)
name rnn/basic_lstm_cell/biases:0, shape (20,1)
name fully_connected/weights:0, shape (5, 5)
name fully_connected/biases:0, shape (5,1)
And I have checked the values which are same after "global_variables_initializer"
The result is same and prediction result is also same.
OK, then let's move more complicated RNN design.
This example code for 2 layer LSTM and 2 batch condition.
gist code start