__author__ = 'mare' import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect("test.db") con2 = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") #create db in memory space, it is faster but all clear after program turn off #sql excute cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("DROP TABLE phoneBook;") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE PhoneBook(Name text, PhoneNum text);") cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook VALUES('Derick', '010-1234-5678');") cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook VALUES('Merry', '010-5678-0000');") name = "SangJung" phoneNumber = '010-5670-2343' cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook VALUES(?, ?);",(name, phoneNumber)) cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook VALUES(:inputName, :inputNum);", {"inputNum":phoneNumber, "inputName":name}) #datalist = (('Tom', '010-543-5432'), ('DSP', '010-123-1234')) #cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook VALUES(?, ?);", datalist) #view reccord cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PhoneBook;") for row in cur: print(row) #('Derick', '010-1234-5678') #('SangJung', '010-5670-2343') #('SangJung', '010-5670-2343') cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PhoneBook;") print( cur.fetchone() ) print( cur.fetchmany(2)) #('Derick', '010-1234-5678') #[('SangJung', '010-5670-2343'), ('SangJung', '010-5670-2343')] cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PhoneBook;") print( cur.fetchone() ) print( cur.fetchall() ) #('Derick', '010-1234-5678') #[('SangJung', '010-5670-2343'), ('SangJung', '010-5670-2343')] con.commit() #you have to run commit function to udpate db contents. con.isolation_level = None #auto commit mode #record ordering cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PhoneBook ORDER By Name") print( [r for r in cur]) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PhoneBook ORDER By Name DESC") print( [r for r in cur]) #[('Derick', '010-1234-5678'), ('Merry', '010-5678-0000'), ('SangJung', '010-5670-2343'), ('SangJung', '010-5670-2343')] #[('SangJung', '010-5670-2343'), ('SangJung', '010-5670-2343'), ('Merry', '010-5678-0000'), ('Derick', '010-1234-5678')] cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook VALUES('apple', '010-369-3639');") cur.execute("SELECT * FROM PhoneBook ORDER By Name") print( [r[0] for r in cur] ) #['Derick', 'Merry', 'SangJung', 'SangJung', 'apple'] #user define condition function def OrderFunc(str1, str2): s1 = str1.upper() s2 = str2.upper() return (s1 > s2 ) - (s1 < s2 ) con.create_collation('myordering', OrderFunc) cur.execute("SELECT Name FROM PhoneBook ORDER By Name COLLATE myordering") print( [r[0] for r in cur]) #['apple', 'Derick', 'Merry', 'SangJung', 'SangJung'] #new table creation cur.execute("DROP TABLE PhoneBook2") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE PhoneBook2(Name text, Age ineger);") list = (('Tom', 24), ('Derick',30), ('Peter',53), ('Jane',29)) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO PhoneBook2 VALUES (?,?);", list) #cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook2 VALUES(?,?);", list[0]) #cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook2 VALUES(?,?);", list[1]) #cur.execute("INSERT INTO PhoneBook2 VALUES(?,?);", list[2]) cur.execute("SELECT length(Name), upper(Name), lower(Name) FROM PhoneBook") print(" == length(), upper(), lower() ==") print( [r for r in cur] ) #== length(), upper(), lower() == #[(6, 'DERICK', 'derick'), (5, 'MERRY', 'merry'), (8, 'SANGJUNG', 'sangjung'), (8, 'SANGJUNG', 'sangjung'), (5, 'APPLE', 'apple')] #User-defined aggregate functions class Average: def __init__(self): self.sum = 0 self.cnt = 0 def step(self, value): self.sum += value self.cnt += 1 def finalize(self): return self.sum / self.cnt con.create_aggregate("avg", 1, Average) cur.execute("SELECT avg(Age) FROM PhoneBook2") print( cur.fetchone() ) #34.0 #Type of variables in SQLite3 #Python -> SQLite3 #None -> NULL #int -> INTEGER #float -> REAL #str, bytes -> TEXT #buffer -> BLOB #db dump for l in con.iterdump(): print(l) """ BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE PhoneBook(Name text, PhoneNum text); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook" VALUES('Derick','010-1234-5678'); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook" VALUES('Merry','010-5678-0000'); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook" VALUES('SangJung','010-5670-2343'); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook" VALUES('SangJung','010-5670-2343'); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook" VALUES('apple','010-369-3639'); CREATE TABLE PhoneBook2(Name text, Age ineger); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook2" VALUES('Tom',24); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook2" VALUES('Derick',30); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook2" VALUES('Peter',53); INSERT INTO "PhoneBook2" VALUES('Jane',29); COMMIT; """
Python Study, SQLite3
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